The impact of over-reliance on AI
By Phuong Thao Tran (S00389283)
Throughout this week, I’ve been putting my critical digital literacy skills to the test by searching for information about an internet safety issue. I’ve been looking at human overreliance on AI, basically this points out how AI in the future will assist and benefit people or will they detrimentally impact if humans over rely on AI. I will apply the TRAAP method, which stands for Timeliness, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose to assist my writing to be more credential.
AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligent, refers to the ability of computer systems to perform tasks which normally require human intelligence. It is a very broad field that encompasses theories and developments in computer science, cognitive science, mathematics, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics and more. (Lumsden, M. (2024, March 20). How do I guides: Artificial Intelligence: Introduction - What is AI?)
However, many people, mostly students in school, tend to use AI to mischievously finish their work off without using their abilities to proceed on the work on their own. At a certain point, this is considered as over abusing on Artificial Intelligence. Over reliance on AI refers to an excessive dependence on artificial intelligence systems to make decisions, solve problems, or manage tasks without appropriate oversight or human judgement. (Zhai, C., Wibowo, S., & Li, L. D. (2024). The effects of over-reliance on AI dialogue systems on students’ cognitive abilities: a systematic review. Smart Learning Environments)
Of course, there are counter tactics this issues. Personally, I think people should try to do researches and take notes and make out key points of the topics on their own when they are facing the issues. Other than that, we should all raise our awareness on self-dependence when working without the help of AI tools.
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